Well it sounds like everyone is receiving their ok to test and some of us our IP license. I wish everyone the best to luck. Study hard and we will do awesome, I know it.
I miss everyone and I feel like we are already losing some touch :(
Still working on the job thing....have a few promising leads.
Rented our house out....I know everyone is going to freak but it is going to work out so awesome. We had the house on KSL for not even 24 hours and it was rented...It was meant to be. We are moving into the Casita ( yes, that is where Julie lived) and then getting a place in Vegas. We are on the job hunt and house hunt right now. Not sure where we want to live. We will be living in St. George and Las Vegas part time. But thankfully the house in Vegas will at least have 3 or 4 bedrooms. So I can breath when we are down here.
We have to be out as of July 1, so yes my days consist of packing and studying, studying and packing or packing packing and stuyding...It is getting old really fast but it will soon be over. I test in less than 3 weeks...Thank goodness I have been studying since the day I left school hoping I would get a quick date.
Well that is the life at the Shattucks. Curt has a few leads on some jobs in Vegas also and he is working a ton up here right now. It seems everything is working out for us and kind of pushing us South, now if I could just get the job thing straightened out, I would be able to sleep peacefully at night :)
We are NURSES now baby!! WAHOO!!! Guys we are so awesome! Thanks for a great two years. I have some great memories :)
Miss you all....keep us or me,not sure, updated.