Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Don't go toward the bright light!

I wish I could blow this up. We all look so cute, yes even the boys were adorable! I just wanted to tell you all good luck with whatever you choose to do in your career. I will miss you all! And thanks again Mrs. Chew (because I know you are lurking!).

Monday, May 18, 2009


Congrats to everyone on our big night! Can't wait to see you all & celebrate the end of this hell on earth known as nursing school! holla!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The most amazing people!

Nickelback - If Everyone Cared

This video is dedicated to all you guys and the great inspiration you have been to me these past two years. Thanx for all the great memories and fun times we have had together. As the last quote says at the end of this video we can change the world! -Jason

Saturday, May 9, 2009

You can count down on your hands! Finally

Graduation is coming up in NINE days!! I thought this day would never come!

Friday, May 8, 2009

I thought this would be a creative way to express ten days till graduation! Funny thing is I took it on Wednesday, which was 12 days... I had a blonde moment & counted wrong. oops. Hope this made you all jealous that I was blessed with a day at the beach this week! ;)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

How many days.....

Well I thought I would take a shot at this posting thing and see how it works, only 15 more days left!!! Fabtacular awesomeness to all my nursing compadres!

can you see the numbers??;)
